Talk show with Mr. Masahiro Usami (Photographer), Ms. Yuriko Hayase (Survivor of The Atomic-Bomb), Mr. Kazuma Kuramasu (Director)

Then the interviewer focused on Mr. Kuramasu who was the director. Surprisingly, this was the first film in his life. When the interviewer asked a question about what made him make the film, Mr. Usami answered on behalf of Mr. Kuramasu, “At first, he didn’t even know how to record and the video was blurred!” Mr. Usami also mentioned that this film was secondary work which came from the in process recording of the work. So, Mr. Kuramasu also wasn’t aware of making film.
Mr. Kuramasu told that he was a just an observer at first, but his consciousness was changing as he was making the film. His story was so vivid that the audience listened closely to him.
Ms. Hayase said over and over that this project was a miracle. We could feel that the picture and the film describing the process of making the picture “Manda-la in Hiroshima”, both were precious works in this talk show. The audience gave a generous applause to them at the conclusion of the talk show.

« NEW KENBITEN Annual Competition of Art in Hiroshima PrefectureAfter the screening of competition A, directors and casts talked about their films and behind the scenes. »