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“Mamacita”, a documentary by Director José Pablo

On November 24 th , “Mamacita”, directed by José Pablo Estrada Torrescano, was on the screen at Yokogawa Cinema. This is his debut film.
“Mamacita” is a documentary film based on his grandmother. Director José Pablo is from a Mexican upper-class family, and Mamacita is an absolute existence in his family.

After the film, Director José Pablo was on the stage for a talk show.
He was asked what made you make this film. He answered, “It’s a really difficult question, but it was destiny.” Director José Pablo always had bad feelings about his own past regarding Mamacita, but those feelings were eventually gone after making this film.

About the filming of this film he said, “I just decided to make a documentary film, and leave it, no matter what happens. So, there are a lot of scenes that are taken by chance.”

Before filming this film, Director José Pablo’s family didn’t have good relationship, but by filming “Mamacita”, their relationship is getting closer to each other. My Mamacita, has only seen part of (the movie) “Mamacita”, so they are planning to show all of it to her on her 100 th birthday.
“Mamacita” means “Sexy mother (woman)” in Spanish. Director José Pablo said, “She calls herself ‘Mamacita’, so we call her the same way as she does.”

After the talk show, he left the stage with a big smile.

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