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“The pictures are a collage,” said Director Losier with a smile.

“Cassandro the Exotico!”, was on screen at Yokogawa Cinema, from 3:30 pm on Friday,November 23, 2018.

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Director Losier started her career with her 16-mm camera, which her friend had given her. Her latest work is a documentary film about Cassandro who is the most eccentric star in the gaudy, flamboyant world of Lucha Libre.

After the film ended, the talk show started. The interviewer was Mr. Takefumi Tsutsui who teaches at Tokyo University of the Arts, and the translator was Ms. Yuko Kanzaki. First of all, Mr. Tsutsui asked Director Losier how she made this documentary film, and she answered that she doesn’t have interests in a certain figure, so she focused on the theme.

When she worked in LA, she went to Lucha Libre by chance and had an interest in Cassanrdo. So, she met him several times and decided to make a documentary film. Director Losier didn't search a lot because she wanted to make a film without preoccupation.

The first filming started at Cassandro’s house. She tried to film him as he really is, however it was tough because he didn't show his true character so it took 6 years to film.


She was never anxious, although it took 6 years, because she can find the point of the end during editing. And the audience was surprised with the truth that most of her works is for an unexpected exact 76 minutes.

Her next work will be a musical comedy. Her words made the audience laugh, “It might be for 76 minutes again.”

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