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The Hiroshima International Film Festival 2018 finally begun celebrating its 10th anniversary !

The Hiroshima International Film Festival 2018 has finally begun celebrating its 10th anniversary!

The opening ceremony was held at the first the theatre in the NTT CRED Hall on Friday, November 23rd at 12:00. The hosts were Mr. Junya Hirose, a newscaster of Hiroshima Home Television and Ms. Pauline Baldwin, the interpreter.

Firstly, the chairperson of the Executive Committee, Mr. Kazutaka Yamamoto said “Counting from the Damah Film Festival, we are having our 10th anniversary this year. Thanks to the assistance of many supporters, we have been able to hold this festival in the bombed city of Hiroshima to spread its message worldwide. I would like to ask for the continuous support and cooperation for the festival.”

And Mr. Seiji Okamura, the deputy mayor of Hiroshima read the message on behalf of the mayor Mr. Kazumi Matsui saying “This festival is one of the major events in Hiroshima held in the season of arts and culture. There are many films related to Hiroshima to be screened. And it also promotes international culture exchange as well. I expect this festival to continue inspiring people all around the world.”

時川監督 ジャッキーレイナル氏

And then all the festival guests including Mr. Jiro Shindo, the jury president, Mr.Nonzee Nimibutr, and Ms. Kaze Shindo,the jury members came up to the stage by walking on the red carpet to have a photo session.

Lastly, Ms.Kyoko Heya, the president of the festival said, “When I give a thought about these 10 years, it feels like they have passed so fast, but it also feels like a long time as well. Since we would like to continue another 10 years, 20 years, or 30 years to come, I sincerely ask you to give us your gracious support to the festival.” And as she declared the opening of The Hiroshima International Film Festival 2018, the three-day film festival has begun.


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