Nov.21 Sat. - 23 Mon.2015.Venue : NTT CRED Hall

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  3. From 11:00am on the 15th, a memorial screening of films directed by Kei Togawa.



From 11:00am on the 15th, a memorial screening of films directed by Kei Togawa.

From 11:00am on the 15th, a memorial screening of films directed by Kei Togawa, an associate professor of Hiroshima City University, who died in the dreadful landslide on August 20th in Hiroshima, was held. A radio personality, Mitchiko Miyamae, who works with Hiroshima FM, served as the master of the ceremonies.



Two guest speakers from Hiroshima City University joined the ceremony: Professor Takeaki Nakashima and Professor Hiroshi Kasahara. Professor Nakashima was the director’s supervisor and later became his colleague.

 The two guests traced back three of Togawa’s works with stories from the set and paid their respects to the director.

 All three were short films; the shortest one runs less than 2 minutes and the longest one 7 minutes. While those are short, audiences are drawn into their unique and distinctive worlds. Togawa’s exceptional creativity traces its origins back to a filmmaking group at his university. The director joined the group when he was an undergraduate and nurtured his creativity through activities. His early films were plot-driven, but he changed his style to effects-driven under the monitorship of Professor Kasahara. In his later films, Togawa visualized “spaces between lines” with ingenuity using only sounds and visual effects.

 The two professors passionately answered questions about Togawa’s personality from the MC, as if the director was there. Togawa was a man of few words with strong passion and diligence which the two speakers described as “supernatural”. “He was so amazing and talented…, there will be no one else like him.” Professor Nakashima choked up in the conversation. The devastating landslide took a young talented life away. However, Togawa’s works and his passion remain. We should pass his works and their values onto young creators in the next generation, that is our task.

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